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Industry News

2024: on the verge of achieving the “Global Treaty against Plastic Pollution”


There is no doubt that today the world faces a problem with crisis characteristics: plastic pollution. Millions of tons of this material end up every year in landfills and landfills, rivers and oceans, with the high risk of entering the food chain, causing damage to human health and the environment. This situation projects that, if more and better measures are not taken as soon as possible, the impact of this contamination will be irreversible.

Considering this scenario, after three negotiation meetings and with another two set for this year, there are currently high expectations in relation to the discussions to achieve the “Global Treaty against Plastic Pollution”, instructed by the United Nations Assembly to Environment (UNEA) in 2022 and which has 176 negotiating States, including Chile. 

The schedule that was established is ambitious and against the clock: by the end of 2024, a legally binding instrument should be ready that, according to the UN, would represent the most important environmental pact since the signing of the Paris Agreement.

At Hidronor we value this initiative along with taking charge of this alarming situation. For this reason, we contribute to sustainable environmental management hand in hand with our subsidiary Greendot through the recycling and recovery of batteries, scrap metal, plastics, among other products that were previously considered waste and disposed of as such. 

Join this great crusade for recycling and experience a friendlier environment!


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