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Useful Tips

April 22: World Earth Day Let's take care of our environment!

22 de abril Dia Mundial de la Tierra Cuidemos nuestro medioambiente

As of 1970, every year on April 22nd, we celebrate World Earth Day with the aim of increasing social awareness and generating positive actions that mitigate the consequences of overpopulation, environmental pollution, damage to biodiversity, among other aspects of vital importance.

In pursuit of this objective we, at Hidronor, would like to share a few easy-to-implement actions that will undoubtedly contribute to mitigating the current situation and giving a new life to our environment:

  • Always prefer online alternatives and put the use of paper aside if possible.
  • Plant a lot of trees!
  • Prefer low energy light bulbs.
  • Apply the 4Rs in your daily life: reduce, recycle, recover and reuse.
  • Don't use plastic bags nor utensils. Prefer biodegradable products that allow more than one single use.
  • Prefer energy resources that come from renewable sources.
  • Go bike riding to get to nearby places, or walk.

By implementing this type of action, we’ll add life to our planet!


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