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December 5th: World Soil Day, let's conserve it!

5 de diciembre Dia Mundial del Suelo Hidronor aporte sustentabilidad medioambiente

Since 2014, we annually commemorate every December 5th as World Soil Day, a date proposed by the United Nations (UN) to encourage joint international actions that promote sustainable experiences to recover our soil.

This date, which generally promotes a different theme each year, as “Mantengamos vivo el suelo, protejamos la biodiversidad del suelo” en 2020, o “"Let's stop soil erosion, let's save our future"” durante 2019, tuvo por objetivo este 2021 “Detener la salinización de los suelos, aumentar su productividad”, slogan the UN seeks to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem, addressing the challenges in soil management, fighting against its salinization, and encouraging all societies to commit to improving the health of this resource.

At Hidronor we are committed to this cause, contributing to environmental sustainability with our integrated hazardous waste management services. Regarding the improvement of soils in Chile, we have the capacity to remediate and clean contaminated industrial soils by the dispersion, spillage or the transfer of dangerous substances (including the mining industry), which accumulate in the earth's crust and are the cause of various diseases in humans, as well as the cause of negative effects on the environment.

We invite you to review the details on how we combat climate change by recovering contaminated soils in Chile, view here.

Let's conserve our soils!

Source: ONU


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