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Useful Tips

March 5: World Energy Efficiency Day


Cada 5 de marzo se conmemora el Día Mundial de la Eficiencia Energética. Esta fecha es utilizada por distintos países y organizaciones como iniciativa para promover la reflexión sobre la importancia del uso racional de la energía, a fin de trabajar por un mundo más sustentable para todos.

Its origin comes from the encounter generated at an International Conference held in Austria in 1998, where it was agreed to decree this day as an emblematic landmark for the world, seeking to create strategies to expand energy diversification through other sources such as renewable energy and fuel reduction fossils.

In this sense, it turns out interesting to clarify the meaning of "energy efficiency". This does not imply ration the energy needed for daily activities, but have quality of life by implementing alternative energy sources that do not harm non-renewable natural resources. Therefore, the use of fonts more sustainable becomes the best option for the future.

Thinking about this, and for the contribution to the environment, Hidronor now has a Biogas plant (located in the Biobío region) that generates electricity from waste deposited in its sanitary landfill, and also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

Let's promote together the best ideas to make our planet more sustainable!


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