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What is understood by toxic hazardous waste / residue and how are they regulated in Chile?

Residuos toxicos desechos toxicos en Chile

Toxic hazardous waste and/or residue are considered elements that derive from certain activities (generally industrial) and contain one or more dangerous substances, which can cause multiple damages to the ecosystem if not treated correctly; due to their chemical characteristics these take several years to biodegrade and disappear.

The spreading and deposition of toxic hazardous residue and/or waste in the environment contaminate the waters, soils, air, flora and fauna; and the effects of this damage can affect living beings directly through food or the direct and indirect exposure to these elements. Furthermore, toxic waste is globally responsible for the loss of part of the ozone layer, greenhouse effect increase, loss of biodiversity, among other negative effects.

In Chile, Supreme Decree 148 "Sanitary Regulations on Hazardous Waste Management", regulates the control and management of hazardous and/or toxic waste or residue delivered by companies and are compelled to take charge of the damages these may cause to the environment and to human health. Depending on the size of each one, they might or might not have their own team to do this. In case of not being able to include this activity, this service must be outsourced to companies like Hidronor which is dedicated to the management and treatment of hazardous and non-hazardousindustrial waste.

For more information, you are welcome to visit our site to review our country’s current standards:


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