Useful Tips

The importance of recycling batteries and car batteries in Chile


According to the Extended Producer Responsibility Law and Recycling Promotion (EPR Law), batteries and car batteries are one of the seven categories defined as priority products that must be recycled correctly. This because it is highly polluting waste due to the contents of heavy metals which can cause problems to both our ecosystems and to people's health.

The problem is that, currently in Chile, only about 1% of batteries are recovered, although batteries can reach 80%, metrics we hope will increase in the short period given the requirements imposed by this regulation.

Thanks to their recycling, car batteries can be used to manufacture new units or their material can be used as raw material for other processes, reinserting them into the production and consumption chain which contributes to the circular economy. In the meantime, batteries must be destroyed through a specific process that allows minimizing the contamination generated due to their toxic components, and for both processes at Hidronor we have become a strategic environmental partner for companies in order to deliver solutions in revaluation and disposal safe end.

We invite you to learn more about our services here, or directly contact our commercial team.


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