Industry News

A “Circular Territory” program is launched to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Chile


Recently, the Ministry of the Environment, together with CORFO and the support of SOFOFA Hub, launched a “Circular Territory” program: an initiative that seeks to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy in Chile by promoting to implement a Circular Economy Roadmap elaborated for the country.

This program will promote concrete actions related to productive development, innovation and articulation of productive chains, all with a territorial perspective. For instance the conditions, this way, will be created to promote fair, sustainable and positive impact business models, facilitating the implementation of circular projects, spreading stories of success and following up on the actions established in the Circular Economy Roadmap.

The perspective of this document is that, through the 7 goals and 27 initiatives imposed for 2024, the regenerative circular economy should impulse Chile towards a sustainable, fair and participative development, putting the people’s well-being in the center of attention; through environmental care, an efficient and responsible management of natural resources, as well as, a society that knowingly uses, consumes and produces in a sustainable manner, fomenting the creation of green jobs and opportunities for the people and organizations, along the country.

In summary, the "Circular Territory" program proposes to generate 180 thousand new green jobs, reduce the generation of waste per inhabitant by 25%, and increase material productivity by 60% or increase the general recycling rate to 75%.

At Hidronor we continue to support this type of initiatives and undertakings that contribute to the circular economy of our country with the aim of building together a better Chile for all.

Source: CodexVerde


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