Useful Tips

How to clean up spilled mercury from a broken thermometer

Como limpiar el mercurio derramado en caso de rotura de un termometro

Although not as popular anymore, mercury thermometers are still used (sometimes) to measure body temperature. One of the reasons this has been displaced by digital thermometers is because its contents can be quite dangerous if broken. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) mercury can be very toxic to people, and has listed it as one of the ten chemicals that pose major problems to public health.

In the case of the environment, it also implies dangers for fauna, as well as for water, which could end up contaminating food or water reserves used for human consumption. But do you know what to do in case you break your thermometer? Here we briefly explain how to proceed in such cases:

What NOT to do: Never use a vacuum or broom to clean, or walk around the house in your contaminated shoes, as this could spread the metal, increasing mercury exposure. Don't pour it down the drain either, because you could end up contaminating the water.

How to clean: Wear plastic or rubber gloves before you begin cleaning. Remove any glass debris or other potentially hazardous material, place it on a damp paper towel, and store everything in an airtight, labeled bag. Never let children help. Ventilate the place and discard all clothing that may have been contaminated and also put it in a labeled bag.

Identifica las gotas de mercurio ayudándote con una linterna y, con la ayuda de un gotero, retíralas y deposítalas en un trozo de toalla de papel húmeda. Luego de quitar las gotas más grandes, coloca crema de afeitar en la parte superior de un pincel pequeño y “puntea” el área afectada para recoger las gotas más pequeñas. Como alternativa, utiliza cinta adhesiva para recoger todos los fragmentos pequeños de vidrio que queden. Guarda el pincel o la cinta de embalar en la bolsa hermética, etiquétala y ciérrala.

Do not forget to keep the place ventilated for at least 24 hours, and contact the authority of your community to dispose of the remains correctly and safely for everyone.


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