Hidronor News

We commemorate World Environment Day with an important informative activity together with Fundición Vulco - Weir Minerals

Hidronor y Vulvo conmemoraron dia mundial del medio ambiente

Within the framework of World Environment Day, commemorated on June 5, we joined this important celebration as part of an information fair developed by our client Fundición Vulco - Weir Minerals in order to raise awareness and expand knowledge associated with the process. impact and results of an efficient management of hazardous industrial waste.

The company (Fundición Vulco), a leader in the manufacture of pump and valve equipment for large-scale mining, promoted this initiative as part of its sustainable actions for the correct care of the environment, and as an essential part of its business, it invited us to participate. with an information stand. At the event, we informed the collaborators of Fundición Vulco about the services we provide for the correct final disposal of hazardous waste and develop a complete environmental management.

“Each collaborator was able to learn how they can contribute to a correct segregation of the hazardous waste generated, such as solvents, grease, materials contaminated with hydrocarbons, paints, metal scrap, among others. We also emphasize the more complex services that we provide and that are oriented towards the circular economy, such as the revaluation of the oils generated by Fundición Vulco and the disposal of paints to develop alternative fuels”, says Sergio Tapia, Hidronor contract administrator and participant from the fair

Daniela Vásquez, Head of Managers and Commercial Management also at Hidronor, thanked the invitation to participate in this fair that allowed us to strengthen our ties with this important client along with promoting the sustainable management that characterizes us as a company. “In addition, we provide training regarding Supreme Decree 148 on the management of hazardous industrial waste,” she said.

Given the success of this initiative, we plan to replicate it with the rest of our clients in order to encourage better practices to promote the sustainable management of hazardous waste.

We generate awareness and contribute to the sustainability of Chile!


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