Industry News

Antofagasta Region Mining Strategy launched


Con la presencia de importantes autoridades ministeriales y regionales se lanzó la Estrategia Minera Región de Antofagasta 2023-2050 (EMRA), un acuerdo apoyado por la OCDE para impulsar la industria en la región de la mano de múltiples actores.

With a focus on social, environmental, economic and institutional aspects to achieve a better quality of life for the population, this planning instrument was defined through a process of citizen participation and the collaboration of the main regional organizations, supported by the OECD in a unique plan of its kind in Latin America.

Thus, EMRA represents a significant step towards a promising and sustainable future for the region, so it is expected that this agreement and its actions will contribute to the construction of sustainable cities, the increase in the participation of local employment, the development of communities and to strengthen the innovative and entrepreneurial ecosystem of the territory, hand in hand with more and better mining.

As Hidronor we celebrate this initiative that will further strengthen this key industry for the Chilean economy, which we support through our high-level solutions and services. In fact, we serve more than 85% of companies of this type that operate in the country, accompanying them in the handling and management of the waste they generate, as well as the remediation and sanitation of land contaminated by said industry. Over the years we have become a leading company in the field and thanks to our processes we contribute to the circular economy and sustainability of Chile. At Hidronor we continue to promote Chilean mining with our environmental seal!


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