Useful Tips

Disposable batteries a hazardous waste, reduce environmental impact

Pilas desechables residuo peligroso, reducir el impacto ambiental

Published on July 18, 2016.-

Disposable batteries contain potentially polluting components such as arsenic, chromium or lead, which after 50 years only begin to degrade but which maintain their harmful effects for more than a thousand years, so it is essential to establish measures for their management after its useful life ends.

It is important to mention that only a mercury battery can contaminate 600,000 liters of water, and an alkaline one up to 167,000 liters. In some countries, bottles filled with batteries are used as filler on roads. In Chile, the closest thing is the collection and disposal in security landfills, as does Hidronor, a company dedicated to the management, storage, revaluation, treatment and final disposal of hazardous and residential industrial waste.

The new REP law seeks to encourage the development of an industry that today has a very low presence in our country. Let us remember that batteries are part of the priority products of this law.




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