Industry News

Chile, the new venue for the 2019 APEC Summit

Chile, la nueva sede de la Cumbre APEC 2019

Published on October 26, 2018.-

Chile will host the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) that will start from December 2018 and will be extended until November 2019, whose objective is to work towards the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment.

This instance will begin by addressing labor techniques in different matters and productive sectors, including mining, closing at the end of the year with the summit of leaders or heads of State or Government.

At present, this forum is responsible for almost 50% of international trade and countries such as the United States and China participate, with their different productive sectors. For Chile this will be a great opportunity to strengthen the mining industry, as well as the way it is addressing and solving the current and future challenges that this sector faces.

Read the full article at “APEC 2019: una vitrina para la minería chilena”.


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