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Useful Tips

Actions to commemorate World Earth Day

Dia Mundial de la Tierra Hidronor cuidado medio ambiente

World Earth Day is commemorated every April 22nd, since 1970, in order to raise awareness about the consequences of overpopulation, environmental pollution, conserve biodiversity and other actions that seek to protect the planet.

This date expects to promote new actions aimed at fighting climate change, and at Hidronor we would like to share a few recommendations to achieve this goal with you:

  • Use energy-saving light bulbs.
  • Contribute to the environment by planting trees to the best of your ability.
  • Implement actions with the 3Rs in your daily work: reduce, recycle and reuse.
  • Don't use plastic bags nor utensils. Prefer biodegradable products that allow more than one single use.
  • If possible, hire services from renewable energy sources.
  • Go bike riding to get to nearby places, or walk.
  • Take benefit of current connectivity and avoid the use of paper.

Actions of this type will help us build a more sustainable world. Every contribution counts, let's take care of our planet!


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