In February of this year, the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) began working on updating the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change 2024-2029 (PNACC), an instrument that will provide transversal guidelines to increase the country's capacity to respond to the challenges posed by this phenomenon, avoiding economic, social and environmental damage, and ensuring a more sustainable development. This initiative is highly relevant considering that 54% of the population and 12.9% of the surface area is exposed to three or more types of threats as a result of the climate crisis.
In detail, this update will give sectoral, regional and community organizations guidelines to prepare their own plans, providing minimum standards for the sectors to ensure their implementation with the participation of all stakeholders and will strengthen the path that Chile adopted in 2022 with the implementation of the Framework Law on Climate Change, which aims to achieve zero emissions by 2050.
Within the framework of this and other actions, it is demonstrated that our country is advancing steadily towards the mitigation of climate change and, in line with our environmental commitment, we will continue to support this common objective with our services associated with the remediation and restoration of contaminated land; analysis and characterization of residues; transport, treatment and final disposal of waste, among others.
Fighting climate change is now! And at Hidronor we join this cause with what we know how to do best: promoting the sustainable management of industrial and hazardous waste.