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Industry News

EPR policy updates for tires, containers and packaging

Ley Rep envases, embalajes y neumaticos

The current Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy seeks to contribute with different actions and initiatives for our country’s circular economy increasement, determining their implementation as legal regulations in order to revalue some wastes before they become end-of-life waste (which must then be treated in a sustainable way for final disposal).

En el caso de los neumáticos, se acordó su recauchaje para dar una segunda vida útil a estos elementos en el marco del Decreto N° 8 de la antes mencionada ley, el cual establece metas de recolección y valoración y otras obligaciones asociadas a los neumáticos como producto prioritario, y especifica que, a lo menos, el 60% de las metas de valorización para la “Categoría A” deben ser cumplidas con reciclaje material o recauchaje de neumáticos.

The process consists of replacing the worn tread with a new one, preserving the original casing that was specially eco-designed and built for this purpose (an industrial process regulated in Chile under NCh3374: 2015, which establishes the requirements for retreading truck tires and buses, adding levels of control and safety in this industry).

However, in the containers and packaging area, EPR agreed to install 354 clean points in four years to comply with recycling obligations in this matter, so as to massively initiate, in September 2023, the collection of the country’s mass-consumption recycled materials.

According to the regulations, the management systems created by companies to meet their goals must design, install and operate reception and storage facilities in communes with a certain number of inhabitants called "corrected population", which are the regular residents plus the floating population that arrive in the summer, for example.

At Hidronor we support the advancement of these initiatives and contribute through our management to the sustainability of the environment.

We invite you to read more information about these agreements at:


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