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What is friable asbestos and how does it affect human health?

¿Qué es el amianto friable y cómo afecta la salud humana?

 Published on October 03, 2018.-

Asbestos, also known as asbestos, is a silicate mineral of lime, alumina and iron whose crystals are fibrous. It is characterized by being light, durable and fire resistant, characteristics that made it very popular in construction materials, especially during the 1970s.

Friable asbestos is a term used to describe any material that contains asbestos, which when dried can be easily sprayed by hand. Among the most common examples of friable asbestos we can define its use in a variety of industries for acoustic coatings, laminated wood, many types of plaster or insulation used in water heaters and pipes.

Its toxicity and dangers to human health are based on the fact that the asbestos-containing materials are crushed, dispersing in the air a dust with microscopic fibers that can remain suspended for a long time and that are deposited in various tissues of the body, mainly in the lungs. . Asbestos has been closely linked to the production of cancer, especially the so-called MPM (Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma), and other diseases such as asbestosis.


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