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Industry News

Environmental evaluation evaluation postponed at El Campesino power plant


Publicada el 15 de mayo del 2015.-

Nueva Mining - The environmental assessment process at the El Campesino power plant was suspended until October this year, as the Environmental Assessment Service (SEA) decided to extend the deadline to respond to inquiries made by the authority last January. It should be noted that this project is linked to Biobíogenera and one of its most important partners is the French state Electricité de France (EDF).

According to Biobíogenera, they want to “have more time to deepen the specialty studies associated with the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) and respond to the observations contained in the Consolidated Report of Request for Clarifications, Rectifications and / or Extensions N ° 1 (Icsara) and its annex on citizen consultations ”.

On the other hand, they seek to build a combined cycle plant -with natural gas- in the Bulnes commune, Biobío Region, with an installed capacity of 640 MW. Added to this is a regasification terminal in the Penco - Lirquén area and the construction of 15 kilometers of pipelines to transport hydrocarbon.

Source: Nueva Minería, May 15, 2015.


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