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Did you know that arsenic is one of Chile's greatest environmental liabilities?

Arsenico uno de los mayores pasivos ambientales de Chile

Arsenic is a chemical element that is found naturally in nature, either in minerals or metals, and is also released in various processes such as erosion or the eruption of volcanoes. In addition, it is produced in mining as a by-product of gold-copper concentrate, when these are refined to obtain the ore.

When it accumulates in large quantities, it can be very dangerous for health and the environment. In this sense, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), arsenic can cause skin lesions, different types of cancer, diabetes, and a negative effect on the cognitive development of children, among other diseases.

In the case of Chile, specifically in the mining industry, this chemical element has become a serious problem, given that, according to the latest World Bank report on the level of contamination of drinking water in the world, the presence of arsenic in 83 locations in Chile, where the levels established by the WHO were exceeded.

For this reason, the result of this report undoubtedly invites companies to start neutralizing the arsenic used in mining through different techniques, which are intended to protect the environment and people's health.

Let's be aware!


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