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Industry News

Asbestos: hazardous waste that must be disposed of safely


Asbestos (or asbestos) is a chemical element present in nature that, due to its physical characteristics, is resistant to heat and corrosion, which makes it an optimal material to be used in fireproof materials and insulation for the construction, anti-flame clothing, automotive area, among other items.

The importance of correctly handling asbestos materials is that, if they are altered, small fibers of this element are released into the air, which, when inhaled by humans, can cause inflammation and scarring of tissue in the lungs, affecting breathing and causing serious health problems, as well as lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the thin membranes that line the inside of the chest and abdomen).

Faced with this reality, it is important to know how to handle and dispose of asbestos safely, starting from knowing that Chile prohibited the use of construction materials that contain asbestos in 2001. Thus, for the removal, handling and disposal of this material, should know the guidelines of the Seremi de Salud, which has a Manual for the elaboration of a Work Plan with materials that contain Friable and Non-Friable Asbestos.

At Hidronor we are experts in the correct management and safe disposal of asbestos, since we have extensive experience in works of this type. In addition, we offer a comprehensive service that consists of the preparation and presentation of asbestos management, removal and final disposal plans.

For more information contact our commercial team, who will be available to advise you on the best management alternative for this and other types of waste.


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