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Industry News

Progress of the Climate Change Law: one year since its approval

Avances Ley Cambio Climatico

One year has recently passed since Chile has a Climate Change Framework Law, which establishes as a goal that the country be carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2050 at the latest.

To achieve the proposed goal, the regulations establish powers and obligations at the central, regional, and local levels, involving and forcing 17 ministries, regional governments, and all the municipalities of Chile to take concrete actions to face climate change.

For information purposes, in recent months the Ministry of the Environment (MMA) has prepared and entered the main regulations required for the correct implementation of this new regulation, among which the procedures associated with climate change management instruments are established.

This regulation regulates from the creation of these instruments to their subsequent updating, establishing how the Administration must fulfill its functions to face climate change for the next 30 years.

Another of the regulations establishes the formation and operation of the Interministerial Technical Team (ETICC) and the Regional Committees for Climate Change (CORECC), which allows the implementation of the governance model of the Law. In addition, a regulation on the National System was prepared Access to Information and Participation on Climate Change that will promote and facilitate citizen participation in the preparation, updating and monitoring of climate change management instruments, and must be delivered in an understandable language.

Likewise, the agency has made progress in the implementation of the Regional Climate Change Action Plans with specific mitigation and adaptation measures. Together with Corfo, the Transform Climate Change Program and the sectoral adaptation plans will also be launched.

At Hidronor we keep ourselves informed about the progress of this regulation and we will continue to add value to caring for the environment thanks to our safe environmental solutions focused on the management and treatment of industrial, hazardous and household waste.


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