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Industry News

Advances of the National Mining Policy to 2050

Avances de la Política Nacional Minera al 2050

Published on May 6, 2020.

In a long working day, the undersecretary of the portfolio, Ricardo Irarrázabal, detailed to partners of Voces Mineras AG the process that has been promoted so far around the National Mining Policy 2050, whose first phase began in August 2019, the participation of around 150 people from public and private sectors, unions, academia and civil society, who for six months worked on four policy axes: sustainable economic development, social sustainability, environmental sustainability and governance.

The proposal has as input what has been done by initiatives such as Valor Minero and Corporación Alta Ley, the idea is to operate with a criterion of "Additionality", adding new contributions to existing ones and once approved the Plan to the year 2050, it will be reviewed every year. 10 will conform technical tables that will work in depth on the proposals issued in the first phase of policy design based on 10 thematic axes such as: institutionality and mining development; developing territorial; innovation and value chain; green mining; to name some, with indicators that allow evaluating, every five years, the industry behavior in different areas, according to the goals that are established and considering that the contexts may vary.

At Hidronor we are in tune in this matter to adapt our processes in order to deliver waste solutions for the mining sector, being a contribution to the theme of green mining.

Read the full article atUndersecretary of Mining details the scope of the 2050 National Mining Policy.


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