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Industry News

Advances in the new policy for the management of mining tailings


Published on December 05, 2019.

Since September 2019, the authority has been carrying out a meticulous work on decree 248, through which the design, construction, operation and closure projects of the tailings deposits are approved. It has been a participatory work through working groups, where academics, professionals from the sector and representatives of the General Water Directorate (DGA) and the National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin) have converged.

Decree 248 is the document that establishes standards for the approval of mining tailings deposit projects and applies to all mining operations that generate and must deposit their waste as part of its extractive process, being the Sernageomin who has powers for the application and the control of compliance with said decree.

The month of January is the deadline that the Ministry of Mining has set to present this new international trend plan that is under development and that has a main axis, which has to do with guaranteeing operational safety. If this is achieved, this entails different benefits, among which the safety for the surrounding communities where the tailings are located is highlighted; safety for the environment; improvements in processing times, and improvement in the management of water resources, among others, minimizing the risk of possible collapse of these enclosures and the consequences that this could have for the population.

Source: link de referencia


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