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Industry News

Decree of containers and packaging of the REP Law advances


On March 16, 2021, the document establishing the Decree on containers and packaging of the REP Law was published in the Official Gazette. It defines the new requirements that companies must meet from now on based on this theme, as well as the creation of a definitive system for the door-to-door collection of recyclable containers in the country.

In detail, this decree establishes 12 specific collection goals for each container and packaging material that will start in 2023 and will increase year by year until reaching a final goal within 12 years: cardboard for liquids (60%), metal (55%), paper and cardboard (70%), plastics (45%) and glass (65%). Regarding industrial waste, this law seeks to achieve a recycling rate of 70%.

It is important to note that, from the date of publication of this decree, a period of 24 months will be given for companies to achieve the goals established by 2023. However, some preliminary tasks must be carried out, such as reporting the volume of waste that each company enters the industrial market.

At Hidronor we are committed to complying with this Decree, and we continue working to contribute to the sustainability and circular economy of the country.

Check more details about the requirements of this decree at y


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