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“RCD Circular Economy in Construction Roadmap” advances to recover 70% of construction and demolition waste by 2035

Avanza “Hoja de Ruta RCD Economía Circular en Construcción” para valorizar el 70% de los residuos de construcción y demolición al 2035

Posted on August 3, 2020.

In order to move towards the sustainability and circular economy in the construction and demolition, the “RCD Circular Economy Roadmap in Construction ”, which will serve as a guide to change the management of waste from the construction and demolition (RCD). After two years of work in which different actors from society participated, such as the Consultative Committee of the RCD Strategy - made up of the Ministries of Housing, Environment and Public Works, plus Corfo and its Construye2025- program, this Roadmap sets concrete short-term and long-term goals, with special emphasis on those that should be fulfilled by 2035.

Some of the changes specific that this document raises is to reuse and recycle 70% of the volume of RCDs generated. Likewise, 50% of the building and public infrastructure new in the country, between now and 2035, will have circular criteria and attributes, accredited through certifications. Finally, 80% of the road infrastructure should have percentages of recycled material in the construction.

The report highlights that ambition is “to promote State policies around the circular economy, integrating the private sector and academia, in order to promote the collaborative and integrated work ”. For this reason, the document proposes “axes, guidelines, actions and goals, and the definition of strategies to overcome the challenges and gaps ”.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read “Hoja de ruta de economía circular en la construcción proyecta valorizar el 70% de sus residuos al 2035.”


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