At Hidronor we say PRESENT at Exponor 2022!
Between June 13th-16th and along with more than 700 companies, we participated in the most important National Fair in the northern part of our country for the mining and energy industry
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Between June 13th-16th and along with more than 700 companies, we participated in the most important National Fair in the northern part of our country for the mining and energy industry
A large percentage of companies in Chile, regardless of the area they operate in,
With the aim to complement academic training and provide expert knowledge to the country's youth, last Tuesday, June 7, a group of Duoc UC students visited the facilities of Hidronor (Pudahuel Plant, RM) with the aim to firsthand learning, and methods on how to apply safety procedures in industrial plants with specialized personnel.
Recent years have put a firm foot on the gas for the widespread use of non-conventional renewable energy (NCRE) in industrial projects in our country. This, as a product of the environmental benefits that Chile relies on to generate this resource, in addition to the benefits that its use provides to reduce the effects of climate change which is largely due to the use of fossil fuels as energy sources.
Del 13 al 16 de junio, y junto a más de 700 empresas, estuvimos participando en la Feria Nacional más importante en la zona norte
Un gran porcentaje de las empresas en Chile, indistintamente del rubro en el que se desempeñen, genera residuos peligrosos que, por normativa del Ministerio de
Con el objetivo de complementar la formación académica y brindar conocimiento experto a los jóvenes del país, el pasado martes 7 de junio un grupo
Los últimos años han puesto pie firme en el acelerador para la masificación del uso de energías renovables no convencionales (ERNC) en los proyectos industriales
Canal Venta Telefónica