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Chile advances in the approval of key regulations for the implementation of the Framework Law on Climate Change


Our country continues to advance in the implementation of the Framework Law on Climate Change, seeking for our country to be carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest and climate resilient.

In favor of this, the Council of Ministers for Sustainability and Climate Change (CMSyCC) recently approved two key regulations that seek, in the first instance, to establish the procedures associated with climate change management instruments (which are policy tools essential to meet the objectives and goals established in the framework law on the matter) and, as a second point, define the formation and operation of the Interministerial Technical Team (ETICC) and the Regional Committees for Climate Change (CORECC), which that will allow the implementation of the governance model of the Framework Law on Climate Change.

Con el avance de iniciativas de este tipo seguimos avanzando para lograr una mayor sustentabilidad de nuestro país. Por nuestra parte, como empresa seguiremos impulsando el saneamiento ambiental a través de nuestros servicios de valorización, recuperación, reciclaje, remediación de suelos, tratamiento y disposición final de residuos peligrosos y no peligrosos.

Let's contribute to the sustainability of Chile!


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