Hidronor News

Chile has more than 3 thousand sites with contaminated soils

In the technical report “The importance of recovering contaminated soils”, from Revista Minería Chilena, we address this issue. 

One of the main impacts of industrial activity is the pollution produced by the dispersion, spill, transfer of dangerous substances or heavy metals that, finally, accumulate in the floors of the facilities.

Chilean Mining Magazine, in its technical report “The importance of recovering contaminated soils”, addressed the various techniques to achieve this objective. In this context, Juan Andrés Salamanca, Commercial Manager of our company, who participated in the article, commented that “currently our country has around 3,363 sites with contaminated soils, the vast majority being located in Antofagasta, Tarapacá, La Araucanía and Los Ríos. , with the potential presence of contaminants such as hydrocarbons, arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury.”

He also assured that there is an interest in safe and sustainable management in cleanup plans for contaminated land. “We have a tangible solution for the recovery of soils to be used safely, complying with applicable national and international regulations”.

At Hidronor we carry out the work of sampling, analysis, removal, treatment and/or recovery of the contaminated area. Before and during the process we carry out rigorous analytical controls that ensure the decontamination of the land.

We are committed to environmental sustainability and climate change, reducing the carbon footprint, through our solutions!


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