Industry News

Chile aspires to be among the three largest cobalt producers in the world


Chile, the world's leading copper producer, unveiled an ambitious plan to become one of the three largest cobalt-producing nations, while simultaneously increasing its lagging copper production.

Notably, cobalt is used in almost all lithium-ion batteries, which in turn power mobile phones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth devices, and even electric toothbrushes.

The country is also seeking to recover cobalt from tailings. According to a study commissioned by different Chilean institutions, the country has the potential to produce 15,000 tons of cobalt annually from its tailings in the medium term.

As Hidronor we applaud this commitment that will further strengthen mining, a key industry for the Chilean economy, which we support through our high-level solutions and services. In fact, we serve more than 85% of companies of this type that operate in the country, accompanying them in the handling and management of the waste they generate, as well as the remediation and sanitation of land contaminated by said industry.

Over the years we have become a leading company in the field and thanks to our processes we contribute to the circular economy and sustainability of Chile. At Hidronor we continue to promote Chilean mining with our environmental seal!


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