As is well known, our country is advancing firmly to face the climate crisis, considering as one of the main aspects the reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) in many of the most active industries that drive the national economy.
In fact, the Ministry of the Environment recently published its Fifth Biennial Update Report (5IBA) before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, with which Chile positioned itself as a country that meets the commitments made in terms of reducing pollution. GEI and the second to publish the five reports in this area within the corresponding period.
In detail, the 5IBA contains the National GHG Inventory updated to 2020, when the emissions balance registered 55,825 kilotonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent (kt CO2 eq), with a reduction of 4% compared to 2018, which does not it happened more than 20 years ago (reason that could be explained by the effects of the pandemic that caused a decrease in the mobility of people, and by a greater participation of renewable energies in electricity generation to the detriment of coal).
To support this national commitment, at Hidronor we generate clean energy to inject into the country's public grid from the use of biogas generated in our sanitary landfill located in Copiulemu, in the Florida commune, Biobío region.
We, as well, recover liquid waste with high calorific value to transform it into alternative fuel through co-processing, which is then used by the cement industry to replace fossil fuels for its kilns, therefore reducing the GHG produced by this industry.
With our processes we contribute to the circular economy and sustainability of Chile, and we are part of the new industrial generation that will help us achieve the established goals together.