It is no secret that, in terms of environmental regulation, our country still has a long way to go if we compare ourselves with large markets, such as Europe, for example. However, recent years have been marked by a greater promotion of preventive industrial actions that allow reducing the impact on the ecosystem.
In this sense, the Financial Market Commission (CMF) recently approved a "modification to the structure and content of the annual report of securities issuers" which, among other points, determines that companies "must" include details, in their annual reports, about the mechanisms that have been implemented to ensure compliance with the environmental obligations.
In addition, the Superintendency of the Environment (SMA) is developing a pilot project on environmental compliance to accordingly adjust their production processes, after previous warnings are given, in case of non-compliance. Representing the companies dedicated to the management and treatment of industrial, hazardous and household waste, Hidronor is the first and only one adhered to this pilot plan to this day, which will make it a national benchmark to show the lessons learned to other companies in the field.
“Each of the productive sectors in Chile has very particular characteristics. For example, to provide services to mining, which is the main economic source of our country, the transport of hazardous and industrial waste has very unique peculiarities. When entering the treatment plant, these wastes must go under rigorous checks, such as sampling, laboratory analysis, setting periods, stabilization of certain chemical components, etc., which makes it a delicate field that must take preventive measures, not only to avoid legal and economic sanctions, but also to affect our ecosystem as little as possible, which is ultimately the most important thing”, highlights Pablo Gutiérrez, manager of Institutional Relations at Hidronor Chile.
To conclude, the executive adds that "the call is to join this pilot plan before the SMA implements the regulation, enabling companies to adjust their processes, alerts and risk nuances, and respond according to the rules immediately.