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Chile reinforces its commitment to climate action at COP27

Chile refuerza su compromiso con la accion climatica en la COP27

Under the motto "together for implementation", the 27th United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 27) was held in Egypt from November 6 to 18, 2022, with the aim of renewing and extending the agreements reached in the historic Paris Agreement (2016).

Among the different countries attending, the Ministry of the Environment of Chile led the discussion table on the losses and damages caused by the climate crisis around the world, informing the international community of the different plans that our country is developing to reinforce commitment to climate action.

Issues such as the strengthening of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC); the Fifth Biennial Update Report (5IBA) and the First Adaptation Communication, demonstrated that for our country facing the climate crisis is a priority and is currently a State Policy, so its development will continue to be strongly promoted in the coming years.

Regarding the NDC, Chile proclaimed its commitment to reverse the growing trend of methane emissions by 2025, strengthening the implementation of measures in the relevant sources at the national level.

In addition, in its 5IBA the country reported that the Greenhouse Effect Gases (GHG) emitted in 2020 reached 55,825 kilotonnes of CO2, reflecting a 4% decrease compared to 2018 -a drop that had not been seen for more than 20 years- .

With all the information presented at COP27, it is clear then the great commitment that Chile maintains for environmental sustainability, and at Hidronor we will continue to participate in the fulfillment of these goals, supporting companies to correctly manage their industrial and hazardous waste through our services. of the remediation and recovery of contaminated land; analysis and characterization of residues; transport, treatment and final disposal of waste, among others. 

Source: Diario Financiero


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