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Industry News

Chile becomes the first country in Latin America to ban the use of commercial plastic bags


Posted on August 13, 2020.

In favor of the sustainability of the environment, and in order to reduce pollution caused by the use of plastics, two years ago Law 21,100 was enacted in Chile, which prohibits the delivery of commercial plastic bags throughout the national territory. Since then this measure has been applied gradually (starting with the retails and large supermarkets), and this August 3 the last step of the process, where microenterprises and SMEs were finally added as neighborhood stores, small businesses, free fairs, among others. Thanks to this, Chile became the first country in Latin America to ban the bags plastic that are delivered in commercial establishments.

It is worth noting that since the implementation of the # ChaoBolsasPlásticas Law, in Chile they have stopped use 5 billion plastic bags, and some 36,750 have been prevented from tons of plastic reach the oceans, thereby contributing to the protection of marine species.

This regulation complements the Extended Producer Responsibility Law (REP Law), which sets Collection and Recovery Goals for 6 priority products, and which as a goal will allow the country to go from the current 12.5% recycling of household containers and packaging to 60% in 2030. 

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read “Bolsas plásticas: Chile, el primer país latinoamericano en prohibirlas en todo su territorio”.


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