Canal Venta Telefónica


Useful Tips

How to clean mercury when a thermometer breaks

termómetro roto

Published on May 29, 2014.-

A broken thermometer is a serious health threat, due to the mercury content that is exposed to the environment. If a mercury thermometer breaks, do not use a vacuum cleaner or broom to clean it; as the mercury will contaminate them and then distribute the mercury throughout the room.

Necessary materials:
Hermetic bags, ziplock type, bags with waste (garbage), plastic container with a lid that closes well, such as those for photo rolls, latex gloves, paper towels, cardboard strips, dropper or syringe (without needle ), tape and flashlight.

Cleaning Instructions:
Remove rings or bracelets, as mercury can combine (amalgamate) with precious metals. Put on rubber gloves.

If there are glass debris or sharp objects, these should be carefully picked up and placed on a paper towel. Fold the paper towel and place it in the airtight ziplock bag. Close the bag and label it.

The cardboard should be used to collect the mercury “pellets”. Take the flashlight, hold it at a low angle closest to the floor in the darkened room, and look for the glow of mercury droplets that may have stuck to the surface.

Use a dropper or syringe to collect or aspirate the mercury droplets. Mercury must be carefully transferred to a plastic container such as photographic film. Place the container in an airtight ziplock bag and label the bag.

After the largest drops have been collected, tape should be used to collect the smallest drops. Place the duct tape in a ziplock bag.

Put all materials used in cleaning, including gloves, in a garbage bag.

Spill area should be kept well ventilated for 24 hours. Dispose of waste at the closest waste disposal point.


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