Hidronor News

We participated in the 3rd SPIM 2022 Conference, expounding on the proper management of hazardous waste in mining

3ra Conferencia SPIM 2022 adecuada gestion de residuos peligrosos en mineria

At Hidronor we remain at the forefront of the latest innovations and the most appropriate processes in terms of environmental sustainability that are applied today to different industries, including mining. For this reason, and with the aim of contributing with our advanced know-how in the field of hazardous waste management for this particular item, we participated in the 3rd SPIM 2022 Conference: "Sustainability for the Mining Industry", organized by the Sustainable Report media and our sponsorship.

The event featured the participation of various relevant speakers, such as Denisse Triviños, Commercial Deputy Manager of Hidronor Chile, who spoke about the proper management of hazardous waste in mining; Dr. Igor Wilkomirsky Fuica, Professor of the Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Concepción, who talked about green hydrogen as an integral alternative for the treatment of copper concentrates; Dr. Luis Ballesteros, from the Energy and Sustainable Processes Research Group of the Autonomous University of Chile, who addressed the issue of new technologies for the generation of green hydrogen; José Miguel Ansoleaga, from APRIMIN, who spoke about sustainability in mining; and Johan Dreyer, from H2 Antofagasta, who spoke about the green hydrogen industry at the service of mining.

On behalf of Hidronor, Denisse explained to the attendees the details of the most common hazardous waste produced in mining, taking advantage of the opportunity to discuss the proper treatment that should be applied to each of them. In addition, he explained about the permits each site must contemplate, management plans, resolutions, regulations, dangerousness, implications, among other important aspects in terms of waste management that we provide as a company, also highlighting our service of remediation and sanitation of contaminated land with which we can give a second useful life to these spaces.

To conclude, the executive detailed the status of tailings and environmental liabilities in Chile, their importance and the opportunities that arise as a contribution to increasing the circular economy in our country.

The day ended with a round of questions to the different speakers, who were able to clarify some of the doubts raised with the aim of explaining in depth the different alternatives and correct processes that are applied to the industry today.

For more information, we invite you to review the complete presentation of Hidronor here.


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