Canal Venta Telefónica



Useful Tips

Learn how to take care of the soil and what its main contaminants are

Conoce como cuidar los suelos y cuales son sus principales contaminantes

A soil is considered contaminated when its physical and chemical characteristics have been negatively altered by the presence of dangerous chemical elements from human activity, which implies an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment.

In the case of Chile (due to our economic activities) the main causes of soil contamination are erosion, salinization, and agricultural and industrial activities and urbanization. Loss of organic matter, compaction, reduction of biodiversity, as well as flooding, removal of mass and reconversion (changes in land use) also represent threats to the soil.

To take care of our floors and prevent them from being damaged, the regulations of our country (such as the Decree 43 that regulates the storage of hazardous substances) require the proper disposal and storage of waste, products and polluting substances, install leak detection systems in tanks and reservoirs; do not store waste in the open air and be very careful with fertilizers, phytosanitary products and organic matter from farms in agricultural areas, among other actions.

In pursuit of this objective, at Hidronor we ensure the proper management of industrial and hazardous waste through our remediation and cleanup of contaminated land, in addition to the correct storage and final disposal of hazardous products and waste seeking to thereby recover the balance of ecosystems and build a more sustainable world.

¡Tomemos conciencia, cuidemos nuestro medio ambiente!


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