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Learn about the roadmap plan to move towards a circular economy


Como reciente acción para convertir a Chile en un país más sustentable, la Hoja de Ruta Nacional para la Economía Circular 2020-2040 propone metas y acciones que buscan que nuestro país migre hacia un modelo más sustentable, donde los recursos se aprovechan múltiples veces y se reduzca la generación de residuos. 

After a long process of public consultation (which was valid until February 1, 2021) this document collected observations to enhance this long-term plan. As a result, the Roadmap raises 7 goals (in 4 different areas) by the year 2040, with their respective objectives intermediate to reach in 2030:

- Opportunities:
• Generate 180 thousand new green jobs linked to the circular economy and the recycling industry.

- Citizenship:
• Reduce the generation of household waste per capita by 25% per year 2040, with an intermediate achievement of 10% in the next decade, based on the average rate registered in 2018: 440 kg / capita per year.

• Exceed the current 4% of household waste recycling to 65% by 2040, with an intermediate target of 30% by 2030.

- Production:
• Reduce the generation of waste per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) by 15% by 2030 and by 30% by 2040.

• Increase the material productivity of Chile by 30% during the present decade, and by 60% by 2040.

• Raise the overall recycling rate (includes waste municipal and industrial) to 40% in the next ten years and 75% in 2040.

- Quality of life:
• Eliminate 90% of illegal landfills over the next two decades, with an intermediate goal of 50% by 2030.

To meet these goals, the document establishes 92 Specific actions that will help meet the objectives set.

More information here.

Source: Revista InduAmbiente


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