Industry News

Learn about the most dangerous pollutants that affect our ecosystem

Fossil fuels are one of the biggest factors mentioned on the list. What is the most affected country?

Pollution is a global problem that affects all countries and communities. According to UN data, fossil fuels are the biggest polluters on the planet, responsible for more than 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. However, they are not the only ones. Industry, transportation, food production and energy in buildings also contribute significantly to pollution.

The Main Pollutants

Fossil fuels: The burning of coal, oil and gas is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions.

Manufacturing products: Industry and factories produce significant emissions, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Forest felling: Deforestation and clearing of land for agriculture and grazing contribute to pollution.

Transport use: La mayoría de los vehículos funcionan con combustibles fósiles, lo que hace que el transporte sea un sector importante en la contaminación.

Producción de alimentos: Food production causes emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

Furthermore, and according to the 2023 Air Pollution Index: the most polluted countries in the world are:

– Bangladesh: With an air pollution index of 79.9.

– Pakistan: With an air pollution index of 73.7.

– India: With an air pollution index of 54.4.

– Tajikistan: With an air pollution index of 49.

– Burkina Faso: With an air pollution index of 46.6.

At Hidronor we know that pollution is a global challenge that requires immediate action, and for this reason, we provide environmental value through our recovery and recycling of waste, and the correct transportation, treatment and final disposal of waste, among others.


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