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Do you know the regulations and responsible management regarding mining waste?


Published on March 26, 2018.-

In Chile there are no specific environmental regulations that establish clear requirements regarding the management and final disposal of mining waste. The Sanitary Regulation on the Management of Hazardous Waste, in its article 23, establishes that massive, sterile, low-grade mineral waste, mineral waste treated by leaching, tailings and slag, will not be considered dangerous and, therefore, They are not considered to the management and disposition requirements established by said regulation.

Some of the regulations on this matter are the environmental impact assessment system, to which all mining projects are subjected, through a study or an environmental impact statement, Law on the closure of mining operations (Law 20,551 of 2011) , the Mining Safety Regulation or the Tailings Deposit Regulation (DS 248 of 2007).

The growing concern for the care and protection of the environment forces mining companies to take measures to ensure the stability and safety of their waste. The management of its waste must be approached at an early stage, from the beginning of the exploration, the main environmental impacts are the emissions of particulate material, which can affect air quality and the deterioration of the quality of surface and groundwater .



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