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Useful Tips

Practical tips to individually contribute to the sustainability of the environment

consejos cuidado medioambiente sustentabilidad hidronor

Collaborating with the reduction of global warming, encouraging the circular economy and other global initiatives that aim to reverse the negative effects that currently affect the environment is not only a governmental and institutional task. It is important to note that the contribution of each person is of vital importance to meet this common goal, and only together we can build a sustainable future for all living beings.

In this sense, at Hidronor we’re going to offer you some tips so that you can contribute to this cause with daily and common actions:

  • Give preference to utensils and containers that you can reuse, such as glass, metal, or wood. This applies to different actions, such as transportation of food, purchase of beverages (do it with returnable bottles and cans), among others. Keep in mind that single-use plastics take up to 1,000 years to degrade.
  • To transport items, prefer doing this with reusable eco-friendly bags. Discard the use of plastic bags.
  • Recycle by looking for recycling points near your home. There, you can segment glass, paper, plastic, among other materials in containers.
  • Use the remains of daily food as compost for plants (egg shells, bananas, potatoes, among others). In case you do not have plants at home, offer it to neighbors or business premises.
  • Communicate online, if possible, and avoid paper consumption. Additionally, use energy saving light bulbs and walk if you must go somewhere nearby.

We are all responsible for caring for the environment. Let's contribute with daily actions!


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