Canal Venta Telefónica


Useful Tips

Hidronor tips for hazardous waste at home


Published on May 29, 2014.-

Many of the chemicals that we use at home, if we do not use them completely or dispose of them incorrectly, can harm our family, the environment or create problems in sewage treatment plants, the land, pollute the water or the air .

Without realizing it, these are the products that we commonly accumulate at home:

  • Products for automobiles.
  • Electronic and computer waste.
  • Repellents or glues.
  • Paints, solvents and products for carpentry.
  • House cleaners.
  • Chemicals for the garden.

Here are some recommendations for the safe storage, use and disposal of hazardous materials that you may have in your home:

  • Read the labels, they will give you useful information on their correct use and care.
  • Buy the right product for the job.
  • Buy and use the proper amount you need.
  • Mantén los productos en sus envases originales.
  • Never mix chemicals.
  • Dispose of hazardous household products carefully.

Water-based latex paint can be safely and legally disposed of in your regular household trash if it is completely dry. Mixing the paint with cat litter, concrete, or dirt will help speed the drying process. Empty or dry paint cans can be disposed of in the trash as long as the lids are removed.


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