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Industry News

Soil pollution, x-ray of its causes and effects

Contaminación del suelo, radiografía de sus causas y efectos

Published on March 18, 2020.

Soil contamination involves the alteration of the earth's surface with chemical substances that are harmful, endangering ecosystems and also health. There are various causes that originate such contamination, both naturally or by human intervention. One of them is pollution from the spillage and / or emission of chemical substances and hazardous waste that are released into the environment.

The latter is one of the main causes of contamination, which may be intentional or accidental when there is no proper storage or treatment of waste There are also other causes no less important such as the emission of gases with heavy metals, the intensive use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers and the discharge does not authorized waste and garbage. All these factors generally provoked by human and industrial activity, has often disastrous consequences For the enviroment, like the loss of flora and fauna, difficulties for agriculture and economic activities, among other

At Hidronor, we ensure the care of the environment with a specialized team of professionals, offering land remediation and sanitation services contaminated, in order to improve the conditions of the soil and its future use.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read “Contaminación del suelo: causas, consecuencias y soluciones”.


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