Hidronor News

We have accredited laboratories for the characterization and analysis of hazardous waste

Supreme Decree (DS) 148 defines the minimum health and safety conditions that must be applied for the correct management of Respel, and at Hidronor we guarantee reliable and optimal results.

In Chile, 18 million tons of waste are generated annually, of which more than 600 thousand correspond to hazardous waste. In fact, in 2022, 611 thousand tons were generated, according to figures from the Registry of Pollutant Emissions and Transfers (RETC) of the Ministry of the Environment (MMA); a worrying figure that forces us, as a country, to raise awareness about correct waste management to reduce its accumulation.

Fortunately, Supreme Decree (DS) 148 of the Ministry of Health defines the minimum health and safety conditions that must be applied to the generation, possession, storage, transportation, treatment, reuse, recycling, final disposal and other forms of disposal of waste. hazardous waste, establishing the requirements that each company must meet to act responsibly and in accordance with the law.

To comply with this, you should go to companies like Hidronor, since we are one of the most complete waste characterization options in all of Chile thanks to our internationally accredited laboratories under the ISO 17025 standard, issued by the Center of Experts in Environmental Analysis. of Quebec (CEAEQ), Canada. This certification guarantees that we meet the general standards of competence for testing and calibration laboratories, demonstrating that we are technically competent, have a management system and can provide technically valid, reliable and traceable results.

Among our services and solutions These include the determination of hazardous waste, analysis of heavy metals in liquid industrial waste (RILes) and solid (RISes), characterization of alternative fuels, determination of PCBs (we have the necessary certification to determine Polychlorinated Biphenyl compounds (PCBs) through chromatography of gases with electronic capture detector GC-uECD), and analysis of organic compounds using the GC-MS analytical technique.

We work to contribute to environmental sustainability and climate change by reducing the carbon footprint!

We invite you to learn how we carry out our processes in the following video


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