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COP26: Important agreements to fight climate change


The Climate Change Conference (COP26) took place from the 31st of October to the 12th of November, in Glasgow, Scotland. It aims to reduce the devastating effects of climate change on a global level in order to stabilize the levels of the effects of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and reach the objective of limiting warming to 1.5ºC.

In its 26th edition (COP26), thousands of diplomats from nearly 200 countries worked together to reach an agreement to fight the dangerous human interference of climate change. Among these are:

  • Reach net zero emissions by 2050 reducing the greenhouse effect.
  • About twenty countries promised to finalize fossil fuel financing in foreign countries by 2022.
  • For the first time, 23 countries agreed not to build new coal power plants to accelerate the transition towards clean energy.
  • 28 gobiernos se sumaron al grupo de Estados comprometidos con la eliminación paulatina del carbón de su “mix energético”, lo que eleva su total a 165 países que apoyarán la migración a energías limpias.
  • In these past ten years, more than 100 countries have joined to lower the methane emissions produced down to 30%.
  • In addition, 110 countries promised to end deforestation by 2030, a very important milestone as many of them are in South America. With this agreement the Amazon, green lung of the region and the world, will be protected.
  • Likewise they agreed to move forward towards a more natural and sustainable agriculture, which will have a special impact in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
  • In their final resolution, the COP26 approved a text that enables access towards formal queries to create funding for business activities, and subsequently analyze the loss and damage of the most vulnerable countries. They also propose, that by the end of 2022 and three years ahead of time, the States members present new national agreements to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

At Hidronor, we support this type of project and encourage goal determination, more ambitious each time, in order to move forward towards a sustainable ecosystem. Considering this objective, we contribute to strengthen Chile’s circular economy and sustainability, focusing on environmental care in all our services.

Let’s reduce the advance of global warming!


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