Industry News

Soil sustainability advances in Chile: First national network of soil laboratories created

Crean primera red nacional de laboratorios de suelos

In order to build and strengthen the capacity of laboratories dedicated to soil analysis and respond to the need to harmonize their analytical data, the National Network of Soil Laboratories of Chile -Renalasch- was recently created, which will allow Chile to enter the Global Network of Soil Laboratories (Glosolan) dependent on the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Thus, this network will help to face climate change and advance in the challenge of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, an ambitious goal that our country has set itself to achieve and to which we contribute with our daily work.

In detail, the National Network of Soil Laboratories of Chile will contribute to standardizing soil analysis methods in order to have harmonized results, reducing the variability of the data. The integration of this information will help to adopt public policies aimed at promoting sustainable practices with the soil resource and, additionally, it will be possible to provide information to organizations such as FAO to facilitate the compilation, analysis and exchange of comparable data at a global level and, therefore, , solid information on the world's soils.

At Hidronor we support this initiative and we will continue working for the remediation and restoration of contaminated land with internationally accredited laboratories under the ISO 17025 standard for the correct characterization and analysis of hazardous waste in Chile, whose objective is to add to environmental sustainability and the preservation of Chile's soils.

Source: InduAmbiente


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