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Industry News

Waste Management will be one of the main challenges for Latin America this 2019

Cumbre Iberoamerica reciclaje de residuos, economía circular

On the occasion of the XXVI Ibero-American Summit held in Guatemala on November 15 and 16, waste management and recycling was highlighted as one of the most significant factors to advance against climate change in the future.

Among the issues addressed, priority was given to changes in the circular economy and waste sectors, whose emissions in Latin America represent a 7,4% del total frente al 3,3% a nivel global.

The development of the economía circular It is considered an environmental priority, since only in Latin America it is expected that the solid waste generated will increase more than 60% by 2025 over the levels of 2014 due to the increase in population, urbanization, the rise in rents and the change in consumption patterns.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read  “La gestión de residuos, uno de los retos de Iberoamérica ante el cambio climático”.


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