Canal Venta Telefónica



Hidronor News

We have completed 800 days without disabling accidents!

We are proud to have achieved this milestone that differentiates us in terms of occupational safety.

Because we specialize in delivering comprehensive solutions for revaluation, soil remediation,  treatment and final disposal of industrial and hazardous waste, as a company we have implemented a culture that seeks to protect Safety and Health at Work. As a result, we achieved an essential milestone in our Waste Management Center in the city of Santiago, commune of Pudahuel: Achieving 800 days without accidents! 

In this regard, Alejandra González, Risk Prevention expert at said plant, explains that the key to success “has been the implementation of guidelines from senior management, which have been applied transversally to all areas and workers of our company. , forming part of daily activities in any work carried out.”

For his part, Boris Díaz, Plant Manager, adds that the good work environment has been another of the fundamental aspects to achieve this important decrease in unsafe actions. “There is a pleasant work environment and respect, where we have generated instances of participation and consultation with workers, who have internalized the importance of having a culture based on safety, led by positive collaborators who help promote these guidelines and self-care. ”.

En Hidronor recibimos diferentes tipos de residuos peligrosos, lo que nos demanda a fortalecer cada día nuestra cultura de seguridad arraigada en los valores fundamentales de nuestra compañía. 

We congratulate the entire Pudahuel team on this great milestone!


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