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Industry News

Annual Affidavit for establishments that report their emissions and transfers of pollutants to the PRTR may be made until October 31, 2020


Posted on October 8, 2020.

The Affidavit process Annual for establishments to report their emissions, waste o transfers of pollutants began on October 1, and the companies may do so until the 31st of this month through the One-stop shop for the Pollutant Emissions and Transfers Registry (PRTR). It is important to note that this action is mandatory according to established in the S.D. 1/2013 of the MMA, PRTR Regulation, and its Exempt Resolution No. 144/2020 MMA.

To make the Declaration Annual Jury the person in charge of the establishment must access the VU PRTR System ( with its Ruth and Key Unique, and in those cases that correspond, have reported the GPA Environmental Protection Expenditure and Production Forms. The Information to do so is available on the same portal (manuals, tutorial videos and presentations).

The head of the Department of Environmental Information, Marcos Serrano, highlighted that the sanction for those companies that have not met this requirement as of November 1, 2020, will imply submitting the antecedents to the Superintendency of the Environment to in order to initiate a sanctioning process.

If you want to learn more about this topic, we invite you to read “MMA inicia proceso de Declaración Jurada Anual para establecimientos que reportan sus emisiones y transferencias de contaminantes al RETC”.


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