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Hidronor News

"Challenges of the Pandemic and the Contribution of the Chemical Industry" in virtual meeting


Published on June 24, 2020.

With the in order to analyze and establish effective proposals to face the crisis health, economic and social that we are going through in the country due to the COVID-19, specifically in the Antofagasta region, on June 17, 2020 a Dialogue Table / Webinar was held organized by the Association Gremial de Industriales Químicos de Chile (ASIQUIM), where it was discussed Over the "Desafíos de la Pandemia y la Contribución de la Industria Química” en la región. 

To this meeting was attended virtually by Juan Andrés Salamanca, Sales Manager and Hidronor marketing; Sergio Vega, Mayor of the Municipality of Mejillones; Werner Watznauer, General Manager of Noracid, and Sergio Barrientos, Manager General of ASIQUIM, who had an interesting conversation about the current situation of the Mejillones City, the perspectives and challenges of 2020/2021, and the measures taken by the current government, municipality and sector business to face the situation.

Front to this, Juan Andrés Salamanca highlighted that “at Hidronor we are committed with sustainable development of the country and the active maintenance of the industry. We are sure that working together will bring excellent results to face the current crisis, and that is why we will continue to develop different initiatives that support our objectives ”.


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