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Industry News

Socio-environmental challenges of the mining sector

Desafíos socio-ambientales del sector minero

Published on September 28, 2017.-

The main challenges facing Chilean mining in terms of the environment and social responsibility are mainly facing water scarcity and adapting to climate change. In addition to ensuring an energy supply with fewer harmful emissions and strengthening its relationship with the surrounding communities.  

But what steps can be taken to move towards sustainability in mining? The Head of the Environment Unit of the Ministry of Mining, María de la Luz Vásquez, clarified that in the last twenty years, progress has indeed been made in the incorporation of the environmental variable in the sector. “Relevant stages have been completed, such as the preparation and implementation of decontamination plans at different sites. In the same way, in the social issue, a milestone has been produced from the ratification of ILO Convention 196, which gave an impetus to include this variable in investment projects ”, she affirmed. 

Today, mining companies must approach the communities and work their projects together with them from the beginning, to finally obtain the environmental impact study that will be processed for the approval of their projects and thus avoid later problems with hazardous waste.

Source: Revista InduAmbiente



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