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How to properly dispose of pharmaceutical drug waste?

Cómo desechar lo residuos de medicamentos farmacéuticos - Hidronor

Published on December 07, 2018.-

Usually it is customary to have a medicine cabinet with pharmaceutical drugs at home in case of a cold or an emergency, and there are times that these drugs exceed their useful life cycle, due to being accumulated in poor condition or due to their expiration date and we do not realize it. , ending up by throwing them in the garbage can and later decomposing in the soil and water.

Chilean law classifies pharmaceutical waste as dangerous but only regulates the management of waste to the generators of this waste, leaving out all those for private use whose disposal ends up in landfills. For this reason, the Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA) indicates that the correct way to dispose of pharmaceutical medicines is to place them inside a sealed bag, an empty can or any other container that prevents the medicine from leaking or slipping out of the bag. waste and generate pollution for the environment.

You can check the source of this article at “¿A dónde van los residuos farmacéuticos en Chile?”


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